Antagning and are the official websites to apply for studies in Sweden. Antagning serves millions of students every year in realizing their future aspirations. Such an ambitious and humbling responsibility requires pushing the boundaries of what is technologically the best, and most accessible way to help students apply for studies, and to launch their aspiring careers.
A new inspiring, and accessible website for applicants to study in Sweden. Swedish government websites in the educational space are updated to meet accessibility compliance by 2019. Antagning and serves as the initial step into studies for students. This experience must be simple, reliable, helpful, modern and accessible. To bring that vision to life, Jonas worked to create new processes, a new brand system, website and design systems to help accelerate this transformation.
The new website helps the continuous work in inspiring and helping millions of students chase their dreams and form new careers. Accessible, scalable and intuitive. We hope that this new version of Antagning takes hold in peoples hearts like the first version with "The Green Search Bar" did back in 2016. *This was a two year project between 2018 - 2020 where Jonas Åberg served as a consultant. Visit